Christmas in Nueva York
Christmas in New York was definetely well spent. Arriving a couple of days in advance, to sort out various visa issues for the many trips I was planning on going on, my stomach was well prepared for the different meals I'd be indulging in for the days to come.
This time I had to keep a check on how much cash I spent, due to the majority of my funds being reserved for Malta and China/Japan. Quick lunches with A and Pt around the financial district gave me a flavor for the immense variety of coffee shops, patisseries and sandwich places scattered around downtown.
Niko Niko's quick bento special, moderately priced, featured some seaweed salad, shrimp with soy sauce and sushi. Not amazingly delicious, the food was fresh, so I could not complain to a great extent.
Financier's quiche with salmon with dill was refreshingly tasty, and something I hadn't tried in a long time. I was a bit disappointed with the frittata prepared vegetarian sandwich, but when A purchased a cup of their hot chocolate, I was silenced by it's rich, but not overwhelming, taste of frothy chocolate cream. I mean this cup of hot chocolate is probably one of the best cups of cocoa I've ever tried. It was so delicious I though about it almost every day. Too bad, stuff on wall street isn't open at night.
Once P got into the city, the weekend of home cooked dinners started. Friday night at one of A's friends, came with 6 bottles of red wine, chicken topped with mozzarella and basil served with green salad with cherry tomatoes. As well as wine with dinner, we also indulged in some decadent mini pastries and dessert wine. all in all, a great evening.

Strawberries, tiramisu, a mini strawberry shortcake, chocolate truffle cake and a chocolate raspberry ganache served with dessert wine
Christmas Eve was spent at one of A's really good friends place. She had initiated the idea of having a grand potluck, where we contributed by making a salmon entree with roasted vegetables and indian-chinese style vermicelli noodles. The food was food, the wine better and the company the best. As we retold old jokes, poked fun at each other and partied the night away, the event ended when we went to the neighborhood's italian parish church's midnight mass.

Food we cooked for the christmas eve potluck
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